Congratualtions, Linguist Finder is now
the best place in the world to find a translator!"
Andreas Schoeller , Übersetzerbörse
Translation Agency, Germany.
"The translator responded very quickly and I have now placed
the work with her. I was very impressed by the fact that I was able
to find a translator who was not only experienced and qualified,
but also charging a much lower rate than I would have had to have
paid if using another translator. I'll certainly
be using this service again. "
Naseem Jeewa , Bubbles Translation
"I love your service and the excellence of your translators.
So far I have used you for 6 different languages. I am very impressed,
being a translator and interpreter myself, I get asked for work
outside of my language pair (Spanish- English). Until I found you
I had to grope."
Nicholas A. Gibler.
My letter has been translated already! Your linguists are absolutely the BEST! After three years of struggling to communicate with our sponsored children abroad I am thrilled no end to have a resource such as Linguist Finder. I appreciate the patience of everyone I've interacted with, sincerely, and will highly recommend this service to others I know who may need a translator in the future
Jan Hernandez
Helena, MT , USA
I received the translated documents and sent them to my client today. He was extremely pleased with them and was amazed that at what superb work I did in such a short time frame. I thought I would relay my gratitude to you and your staff. You can be assured that you will get more of my business in the future. Thank you very much for your hard work.
Miami , Florida , USA We had checked your website before but never had a reason to request a quotation and now that we have finally had the opportunity we are very impressed with your response. Be sure we will contact you again in the future.
Marta Altimira
NOVA Traductors i Intèrprets S.L.
I just wanted to thank you for all your help and assistance you provided me with locating a Korean translator. The translator was great to work with quick turnaround and smooth transaction
Lilia Aguirre
Kring & Chung, LLP